Saint Patricks Day and Purim
oday marks a rare occasion called "𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙋" when the Jewish holiday of Purim and St. Patrick’s Day both fall on the same day. Esther and Saint Patrick actually have quite a bit in common.
The Female Gaze and the Sex Industry
One of the most damaging parts of girlhood is how we learn to use our bodies as currency. Tiny smiles, quiet voices, and batted eyes gain us capital. We are rewarded if we are silent…
10 Ways to Keep Children Safe
#1 Don’t be Naïve: Children lack life experiences and boundaries, which make them prime targets for traffickers. “My child would never do that!" is not a guarantee…MORE
Meet Anna Friendt
Anna has always known she wanted to be an artist. As she grew, she discovered her creativity would grow with her. Just as it is with achieving any goal, there is always hardships, resistance, and obstacles…
The Truth about Pearls
A pearl can only be formed inside an oyster, and all oysters are found in water. Natural pearls form when an irritant works its way inside the oyster.
A House of Prayer or a Den of Robbers
It was on Monday, Nisan 10 that Jesus returned to Jerusalem from Bethany, a village at the foot of Mount of Olives (Matthew 21:7). The day before on Palm Sunday, He had entered into Jerusalem on a donkey…
Making Prostitution Legal
Recently, my husband and I visited Aruba for the white sand beaches, ocean water and time together to embrace and celebrate our marriage of ten years…
Freedom Race - A Metaphor for Life
Immediately I was reminded of Isaiah 53. 53 is how many registered Freedom Fighters took part in the 4th annual Action169 Freedom Race 5k 10k.
Character Key
here may have been moments when Joseph felt angry, but overall, the scriptures indicate that he exhibited exceptional character during times of trial.
A Path to Life
Entanglements like thistles and thorns can seek to pull us off the path, but their is One who is greater, and He allures you within the boundary lines that draw your path into pleasant places (see Psalm 16:6).
Fire in Our Hearts
Is there fire in your life? Holy Fire is pictured as a purifying agent in people’s lives.
The True Meaning of Empowerment
To feel empowered, or to act or speak in a manner that empowers, is to promote the sense of self-efficacy within the restoration journey…
52 Journal Prompts
Journaling has many benefits. By developing the habit of journaling, you are choosing to know yourself better and develop your own voice.
A Father’s Heart
What if this Justice movement really challenged exploitation, spoke up for those who can not speak for themselves and yet also honored men, speaking to the true nature, the man of Valor in the Sons of God?
A Ministry of Reconciliation
Two different generations, two different stories, one common theme of reconciliation brought on by the power of prayer, representing the Father's Heart for forgiveness.
A wake Up Call in Southern MN
Somebody said to me the other day, "Some people just don't think there is such a thing as Human Sex Trafficking or Exploitation in Southern, MN.
What If This Was Your Daughter?
A little over two years ago a group of us began praying together for ways we could make a difference in the world we live in. Not long after, the issue of Human Sex Trafficking and Exploitation was placed on all of our hearts.
A Fight for The Eyes
Beloved, we are in a fight for the eyes. Where the eye's go, a click here and click there, the man/woman soon follows. What you allow into your eyes, gets into your mind. What get's into your mind, changes your behavior.
Understanding Sexuality
We must learn the difference between a healthy sexuality, which is infused with love, and a toxic or harmful sexuality, which is fueled by lust.