Fire in Our Hearts
Mon, 13 November 2017 = 24th of Cheshvan, 5778 כ״ד בְּחֶשְׁוָן תשע״ח
“The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.”
- Deuteronomy 4:24
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Is there fire in your life?
Fire symbolizes a number of different things, but it comes down to Holy Fire and The Fires of Judgement as discovered in the scriptures.
Holy Fire is pictured as a purifying agent in people’s lives. In Proverbs 17:3 there is a clarification of the relationship between fire and spiritual refinement: “the crucible is for refining silver and the smelter for gold, but the one who purifies hearts by fire is the Lord.” In Zechariah 13:9 God brings the Israelites “through the fire” in order to “refine them as silver is refined” (see Malachi 3:2).
Fire can be present in our lives, because God’s Love is an all consuming fire. He is love, and He is perfect and Holy and when we look at Him, or press into Him, His love begins to burn away what is not of Him. This is refining. Refining happens when I press into Him.
In Hebrews 12:28-29 we read, “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” Believers will receive an eternal Kingdom and are to offer devoted worship of God, by body, Spirit and soul (mind, emotions, will). God was (and is) a “consuming fire“ in the sense that He desired all of the worship of the Israelites and He desires all of the worship of how we live our lives. He would not tolerate worship of others - as in, making someone else or something else like a god.
Throughout the Bible we see the presence of God physically manifested as actual fire. In Genesis 15:17, God sealed His covenant with Abram by passing through the animal sacrifice as “a smoking oven and a flaming torch.” Throughout the travels of the Israelites God brought protection by His fire to symbolize His guiding presence (see Exodus 13:22). And of course, many of us know the story of how God spoke to Moses from a burning bush on Mount Sinai (see Exodus 3:2).
In Deuteronomy 4:24, we are told that, “The Lord you God is a raging fire, a God who does not tolerate rivals.” And so, here is where we begin to understand fire as judgement. Fire is purifying and will burn away what is perverse or idolatrous within our lives. Just look at what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah in the context of the old covenant (see Genesis 19:24). And so, it is true that fire can come as a judgment as it did upon the Egyptians. In the last days, fire is pictured as a tool of judgement that booth burns up the dross and purifies the holy. That day will make what each one does clearly visible because fire will reveal it. In the final days, “He will gather His wheat into a barn, but He will burn the husks in a fire that can never be put out” (Matthew 3:12).
Beloved, keep in mind, when God looks at you, in Jesus Christ, He see’s you as holy.
It is, “because of Him that we are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30). In Christ, He begins to transform our lives to resemble His! This means change that reflects His Word and character. Remember, Jesus is the Word. His fire ignites passion within us to honor and worship the only One deserving of worship. His presence, like fire, brings the power to change actions that are sinful. Beloved, focus on Him who was, and is a perfect example of Holiness. For strength and a devote life to Him, let His presence, and His Word transform how you live today.
“Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear [Worship] your name” (Psalm 86:11; Psalm 145:18). Here both the Old and the New Covenants agree. The true Worship of God is essentially internal, a matter of the heart - rooted in the knowledge of and obedience to the revealed Word of God. Fierce love brings honor.
Declaration: The Lord Jesus Christ, is my only God!
Prayer Oh Lord, thank You for Your love, Your fire, that burns away what comes to distract or take my attention, and that includes fear of man or thoughts that I need to perform or have approval. Your's is the only approval I desire. Thank you that I can say yes, or no, according to how You lead me. All consuming fire, remove what hinders and cause passion for You that Ignite fire in my life. In Jesus Name, Amen