A House of Prayer or a Den of Robbers
It was on Monday, Nisan 10 that Jesus returned to Jerusalem from Bethany, a village at the foot of Mount of Olives (Matthew 21:7). The day before on Palm Sunday, He had entered into Jerusalem on a donkey…
A Path to Life
Entanglements like thistles and thorns can seek to pull us off the path, but their is One who is greater, and He allures you within the boundary lines that draw your path into pleasant places (see Psalm 16:6).
Fire in Our Hearts
Is there fire in your life? Holy Fire is pictured as a purifying agent in people’s lives.
The True Meaning of Empowerment
To feel empowered, or to act or speak in a manner that empowers, is to promote the sense of self-efficacy within the restoration journey…