Danielle & Corey Freitag
Danielle Freitag
LADC, author, co-founding executive director of Action169, is an overcomer of severe addiction and the commercial sex industry.
Danielle’s mission is to empower women to overcome substance use and to enable those in the strip club industry to know their intrinsic worth. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science as a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor from Minnesota State University. Danielle has continued to work in a variety of settings as as a counselor and advocate, providing direct support, care and counseling for women in recovery.
She is the creator of a trauma-informed, faith-centered counseling program that promotes holistic restoration through evidence-based practices, including the creative arts. Offering expert training on providing best care practices and combating exploitation, Danielle has been requested to advise counselors and advocates, safe homes, medical, government and non-government professionals. She has also served as a consultant to the Department of Health to expand Safe Harbor services in Minnesota for women 18+
Invited to speak in churches both nationally and internationally, Danielle's captivating story of transformation inspires hope and offers solutions. She is the author of Best Care Practices, a manual for service providers. She is also the author of The Garden Keys - 22 Keys of Restoration, V.I and V.II.
Corey Freitag
Corey is a co-founder of Action169 and also the CEO Kingdom Builders, LLC. He and his wife reside in Minnesota and together, they serve as the Human Trafficking Focus Leaders in the Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network.
He is also an overcomer himself and has been living in sober recovery for 16 years. He has been requested to provide Biblical teaching in churches and faith conferences nationally and internationally and has served in a variety of settings, including youth ministry, local and overseas missions and with Action169 to be a minister of hope.
Co-founder of Action169, is a father and husband to survivor leader Danielle Freitag.

The Freitag’s
In 2009 Corey and Danielle were married and later in 2012 the two attended their first Abolition Summit, a time when both of their hearts were further awakened to the need for modern day abolitionists. Corey and Danielle met while on staff at Youth for Christ in the fall of 2008 and shortly after, were married in 2009.
The two have had practical and theological training and equipping to co-lead Action169 with Michael and Jenna De Jong. They are known for their passionate love of God and desire to carry the message of the good news of Jesus Christ.
The Freitag’s reside in Minnesota with their daughter Hadassah. Together they serve as focus leaders in the Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network - to end commercial sexual exploitation.